
Posts Tagged ‘Weekly Goal’


Morning Run Photo by Steph Cowling

Morning Run
Photo by Steph Cowling

Self Care Day 25 of 30: Run it Out

Conscious movement is a necessary part of my self care.  As much as I love using my mind by thinking, reflecting and planning, I have to be in my body.  I need to move and sweat.  Running is one of my mediums in conscious movement.  Though I have a background in competitive running from my college track days, my running now is less competitive and more about connecting to my body, sweating out big questions, and feeling my physical strength and power.  My weekly goal is to run between 20-30 minutes three times a week.  When I meet my goal, or even if I make it once for a short run, I know it supports how I want my physical body to look and feel, and gives me space to release pent up emotional turmoil as well.

IMG_3905On Steph: Passionate about nourishment and self love, I am growing a body of work in self care.  I love exploring tools, techniques, and practices for daily nourishment. Over the past ten years, I have been healing and finding joy through various modalities, including Brazilian dance, insight meditation, painting, SoulCollage®, Non-Violent Communication, morning pages, and spiritual study.  I currently work as a non-profit program coordinator in Brooklyn, NY and live with my partner and fur-baby in Brooklyn.  If you want to see more of my work, you can find more at: http://cosmiccowgirlsmagazine.com/author/stephcowling/

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